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Year 9 Humanities


Common Unit

Unit Description

This unit covers the period 1750 – 1918, exploring content from Australian and international contexts to cover three main depth studies. These are taught across a semester.

Students refine their ability to read, understand and interpret historical sources and text. They build skills in writing extended pieces, as well as engaging with content pertinent to the time period studied.

Depth Studies

The Industrial Revolution focussing on social history including researching the impact of significant people and the movement from a rural lifestyle to an industrialised and expanding world.

Making a Nation focussing on the invasion of Australia and the interaction with Indigenous and minority groups from early settlement to Federation.

World War One (WWI) focussing on the causes, events and effects of the war from a global and an Australian perspective.


  • Source Test: Industrial Revolution.
  • Essay: Making a Nation.
  • Analysis Task and Research Assignment: WWI.