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Year 9 Art and Design

Product Design and Technology: Fashion and Textiles

Elective Unit

Unit Description

The design process is central to this study and provides a structured path for students to employ design practise. Students explore the design process, identifying a need and creating a product. They explore and examine a variety of ways to creatively generate innovative products through research and developmental work. They specialise in textile and fashion design, employing various textile machinery and techniques.

Students learn to apply appropriate, efficient and safe methods of working with materials, using risk management and efficacy in the studio environment. Project management skills are also fostered to promote proficient use of time and sequence. Reflection and student feedback is an important part of mastering skills and knowledge in this area.

Essential Questions

  • What role does research and development play in the designing of a product?
  • What is the role and importance of risk management in the fashion and textile studio?


  • Design: Workbook/Folio.
  • Products: A range of appropriate products.
  • Evaluation: Students evaluate their products through discussion and debriefing.