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VCE Computing

Applied Computing Unit 1


There are no prerequisites for this unit.

Course Description

VCE Applied Computing focusses on the strategies and techniques for creating digital solutions to meet specific needs and to manage the threats to data, information and software security. The study examines the attributes of each component of an information system including people, processes, data and digital systems (hardware, software, networks), and how their interrelationships affect the types and quality of digital solutions.

VCE Applied Computing is underpinned by four key concepts: digital systems, data and information, approaches to problem-solving, and interactions and impact.

VCE Applied Computing provides students with opportunities to acquire and apply knowledge and skills to use digital systems efficiently, effectively and innovatively when creating digital solutions. Students investigate legal requirements and ethical responsibilities that individuals and organisations have with respect to the security and integrity of data and information. Through a structured approach to problem-solving, incorporating computational, design and systems thinking, students develop an awareness of the technical, social and economic impacts of information systems, both currently and into the future.

In Unit 1, students are introduced to the stages of the problem-solving methodology. Students focus on how data can be used within software tools such as databases and spreadsheets to create data visualisations, and the use of programming languages to develop working software solutions.

Areas of Study

Data Analysis

In this area of study, students use software tools to create data visualisations in response to teacher-provided requirements and designs. The software tools are used for the collection, interpretation and manipulation of data to draw conclusions and create data visualisations that represent their findings.

Software: Database software, spreadsheet software and data visualisation software.


In this area of study, students use a programming language to create a working software solution in response to teacher-provided solution requirements. Students apply the problem-solving stages of design, development and evaluation to develop the solution.

Software: Development environment for Python, alongside software to support project management.


Assessment Tasks
(school-assessed coursework)
Interpret teacher-provided solution requirements and designs, collect and manipulate data, analyse patterns and relationships, and develop data visualisations to present findings. Work folios demonstrating skills in using spreadsheet, database and data visualisation tools to implement teacher-provided solution requirements and designs.
Interpret teacher-provided solution requirements to design, develop and evaluate a software solution using a programming language. Work folios of tasks and individual project to develop a functional Python program satisfying a set of requirements.

Overall Final Assessment

End of Semester Examination – 1.5 hours.

Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: