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VCE Mathematics

General Mathematics Unit 1 and 2


Completion of Year 10 Mathematics General and Applications or Year 10 Mathematics Methods and Analysis.

Course Description

General Mathematics Units 1 and 2 is designed to be widely accessible for students and may lead on to General Mathematics Units 3 and 4.

Students learn to practice and apply mathematical algorithms, routines and techniques by undertaking investigative projects involving the use of mathematics; solve problems set in unfamiliar situations and in real-life situations; find solutions to standard problems.

CAS technology and reference material are used throughout the course to support learning and are used for each assessment.

Areas of Study

The Mathematics learning area will choose topics from the areas of study listed below. This will be done according to VCAA regulations.

Data Analysis, probability and statistics

  • Investigating and comparing data distributions.
  • Investigation relationships between two numerical variables.

Algebra, number and structure

  • Arithmetic and geometric sequences.
  • First-order linear recurrence relations.
  • Financial mathematics.

Functions Relations and Graphs

  • Linear Functions.
  • Graphs equations and models.
  • Variation.

Discrete Mathematics

  • Matrices.
  • Graphs and networks.

Space and Measurement

  • Measurement, perimeter, area, volume.
  • Application of trigonometry.


Assessment Tasks
(school-assessed coursework)
Define and explain the key concepts and be able to apply a range of related mathematical routines and procedures.




Apply mathematical procedures in non-routine contexts and to analyse and discuss these applications of mathematics.

Modelling tasks.


Mathematical investigations.

Use numerical, graphical, symbolic and statistical technology to produce results and carry out analysis in situations involving problem-solving, modelling or investigative techniques. Based on performance in a selection of tasks completed in achieving the outcomes above which incorporate the effective and appropriate use of technology.

Overall Final Assessment

End of Semester Examination – 1.5 hours.

Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: