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VCE Mathematics

General Mathematics Unit 3 and 4


General Mathematics Units 1 and 2, or an A average in Year 10 General Applications or an A average in Year 10 Methods Analysis or Year 10A Methods Analysis to consider applying to Accelerate this subject in Year 11.

Course Description

General Mathematics Units 3 and 4 expand on many topics covered in General Mathematics Units 1 and 2 course. The study design is a set course for all VCE.

The course is designed to be widely accessible providing general preparation for employment or further study. Throughout the course students are required to use CAS technology and reference material to support and develop their learning.

Areas of Study

Data Analysis, Probability and Statistics

  • Investigating data distributions.
  • Investigating associations between two variables.
  • Modelling linear associations.
  • Modelling time series data.

Discrete Mathematics: Recursion and financial modelling

  • Depreciation of assets.
  • Compound interest investments and loans.
  • Reducing balance loans.
  • Annuities and perpetuities.
  • Compound interest with additions to the principal.

Networks and Decision

  • Graphs and Networks.
  • Exploring and travelling problems.
  • Tress and minimum connector problems.
  • Flow Problems.
  • Shortest Paths, Matching Problems and Critical Path Analysis.


  • Matrix representation of data and matrix arithmetic.
  • Inverses and solution of linear systems.
  • Application of matrix algebra to practical problems including round robins.
  • Transition matrices.


Outcomes Assessment Tasks Marks Allocated
(school-assessed coursework)

Students demonstrate satisfactory completion of all three outcomes in each assessment task.

  • Define and explain key terms and concepts as specified in the content of the areas of study and apply a range of related mathematical routines and procedures.
  • Apply processes in a range of contexts of increasing complexity.
  • Select and appropriately use numeric, graphic and symbolic and statistical technology to develop mathematical ideas, produce results and carry out analysis in situations requiring problem-solving, modelling or investigative techniques or approaches.
  • The modelling or problem-solving tasks are: 1 relates to Matrices , 1 to Networks and Decision mathematics and 1 to Recursion and Financial Modelling.

Application task (Unit 3).


3 Modelling or problem solving tasks across Unit 3 & 4.

Total Marks 100

Overall Final Assessment

Graded Assessment Title Assessment Exam Duration Contribution to Study Score (%)
1 Units 3 and 4 Coursework School-assessed   40
2 Written Examination 1 November 1.5 hours 30
3 Written Examination 2 November 1.5 hours 30


Reproduced by permission of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: