Health and Human Development Unit 1: Understanding Health and Wellbeing
There are no prerequisites. Course Description
In this unit, students explore health and wellbeing as a concept with varied and evolving perspectives and definitions. They come to understand that it occurs in many contexts and is subject to a wide range of interpretations, with different meanings for different people. As a foundation to their understanding of health, students investigate the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition and other interpretations. They also explore the fundamental conditions required for health as stated by the WHO, which provide a social justice lens for exploring health inequities. Students identify perspectives relating to health and wellbeing, and inquire into factors that influence health attitudes, beliefs and practices, including among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Students look at multiple dimensions of health and wellbeing, the complex interplay of influences on health outcomes and the indicators used to measure and evaluate health status. With a focus on youth, the unit equips students to consider their own health as individuals and as a cohort. They build health literacy by interpreting and using data in a research investigation into one youth health focus area, and by investigating the role of food. Areas of Study
Health perspectives and influences
- A broad, multi-dimensional approach to health and wellbeing that recognises that defining and measuring these concepts is complicated by a diversity of social and cultural contexts.
- Students consider the measurable indicators of population health and look at data reflecting the health status of young Australians.
- Focussing on youth, students inquire into the reasons for variations and inequalities in health status, including the sociocultural factors that contribute to variations in health outcomes.
Youth Health and Wellbeing
- Students apply the broad concepts of health and wellbeing from Area of Study 1 to their study of Australia’s youth. They identify major health inequalities impacting Australia’s youth and reflect on the causes.
- Students inquire into how governments and organisations develop and implement youth health programs and consider factors that influence the implementation of and access to these programs.
- Students conduct a research investigation and apply research skills to find out what young people are most focused on and concerned about regarding health outcomes. The focus for this research could include key areas such as mental health and wellbeing, smoking and vaping, alcohol and other drugs, gambling, relationships and sexuality, and safety (for example, on the road, in the water and the sun, and online).
- Students select a particular focus area and conduct research, interpret data and draw conclusions on how the health of Australia’s youth can be promoted and improved.
Health and nutrition
- Students explore food and nutrition as foundations for good health.
- Investigate the roles and sources of major nutrients and the use of food selection models and other initiatives to promote healthy eating.
- Students explore the health consequences of nutritional imbalance, especially for youth, and consider the sociocultural and commercial factors that influence the food practices of, and food choices made, by youth.
- They develop strategies for building health literacy and evaluating nutrition information from various sources, including advertisements and social media.
Assessment Tasks
(school-assessed coursework)
On completion of this unit, the student should be able to explain multiple dimensions of health and wellbeing, explain indicators used to measure health status and analyse sociocultural factors that contribute to variations in the health status of youth.
On completion of this unit, the student should be able to interpret data to identify key areas for improving youth health and wellbeing and analyse one youth health area in detail.
On completion of this unit, the student should be able to apply nutrition information, food selection models and initiatives to evaluate nutrition information.
Selected from:
- a written report, such as a media analysis, a research investigation, a blog post or a case study analysis
- a visual presentation, such as a graphic organiser, a concept/mind map, an annotated poster or a digital presentation
- an oral presentation, such as a debate or a podcast
- structured questions, including data analysis.
Overall Final Assessment
End of Semester Examination – 1.5 hours.
Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: