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VCE Physical Education and Health

Health and Human Development Unit 3: Australia's Health in a Globalised World


There are no prerequisites. 

Course Description

In this unit, students look at health and wellbeing, disease and illness as being multidimensional, dynamic and subject to different interpretations and contexts. They explore health and wellbeing as a global concept and take a broader approach to inquiry. Students consider the benefits of optimal health and wellbeing and its importance as an individual and a collective resource. They extend this to health as a universal right, analysing and evaluating variations in the health status of Australians.

Students focus on health promotion and improvements in population health over time. Through researching health improvements and evaluating successful programs, they explore various public health approaches and the interdependence of different models. While the emphasis is on the Australian health system, the progression of change in public health approaches should be seen within a global context.

Areas of Study

Understanding health and wellbeing

  • Students explores health and wellbeing and illness as complex, dynamic and subjective concepts.
  • The major focus is on the health of Australians, however students also analyse that Australia’s health is not isolated from the rest of the world.
  • Students develop their understanding of the indicators used to measure and evaluate health status, and the factors that contribute to variations between population groups in Australia.

Promoting health and wellbeing

  • Students look at different approaches to public health over time, with an emphasis on changes and strategies that have succeeded in improving health and wellbeing.
  • Students examine the progression of public health in Australia since 1900, noting global changes and influences such as the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and the general transition of focus from the health and wellbeing of individuals to that of populations.
  • Students investigate the Australian health system and its role in promoting health and wellbeing. They conduct a detailed study on a successful health promotion campaign or program, and inquire into priorities for health improvements in Australia.



Assessment Tasks

Marks Allocated

(school-assessed coursework)


Explain the complex, dynamic and global nature of health and wellbeing, interpret and apply Australia’s health status data and analyse variations in health status.

The student’s performance on each outcome is assessed using one or more of the following:

  • a written report, such as a media analysis, a research inquiry, a blog or a case study analysis
  • a visual presentation such as a concept map, an annotated poster, or a digital presentation
  • an extended response question analysing a range of stimuli with an emphasis on annotating, synthesising and planning the response
  • structured questions, including data analysis or case study analysis 


Explain changes to public health approaches, analyse improvements in population health over time and evaluate health promotion strategies and initiatives.


Total Marks



Overall Final Assessment

Graded Assessment



Exam Duration

Contribution to Study Score (%)


Unit 3 Coursework





Unit 4 Coursework





Written Examination


2 hours



Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: