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VCE Art and Design

Media Unit 2: Narrative Across Media Forms


There are no prerequisites for this unit, however, it is recommended that students undertake Year 10 Media and Media Unit 1.

Students will find it helpful to have their own digital camera (still and/or video) and tripod. Loan equipment is also available.

Course Description

Students explore and examine how narratives construct realities and meaning for audiences. This includes investigation of genre, narrative and the personal and distinctive style of media professionals in media products in different contexts across a range of media forms.   Students undertake production activities to design and create narratives that demonstrate an awareness of the structures and media codes and conventions that are relevant to genre, narrative and a distinctive style. Students analyse the influence of developments in media technologies on individuals and society; design, production and distribution of narratives in the media; and audience engagement, consumption and reception.


Areas of Study

Narrative, style and genre

How do media creators develop their style?

Students explore and examine how narratives construct realities and meaning for audiences. They examine the personal and distinctive style of media professionals who play leading roles in the construction of narratives. Students understand how genres are constructed, debated and changed.

Narratives in production

How can we use the production process to create our own media narratives?

Students apply their theoretical learning of narrative, genre and style to design and produce exercises and narratives using the stages of the media production process.

Media and change

Students investigate the relationship between audiences and the media. Students examine the technologies, processes of production, characteristics, distribution, engagement with, consumption and reception of media products in new media forms. Students investigate the relationship between emerging and pre-existing media forms, products and institutions. They evaluate the impact of developments on individuals, society and culture.



Assessment Tasks

(school-assessed coursework)

 Outcome 1.

Analyse the style of media creators and producers and the influences of narratives on the audience in different media forms. 

Oral Presentation and written responses that explores the style of a media creator and the influence of their narratives on audiences.

Outcome 2.

Create, develop and construct media narratives working through the stages of the media production process.

SAT: Creation of a distinctively styled portraiture narrative focussing the stages of the media production process in  photographic form.

Outcome 3.

Investigation of the evolving relationship between audiences and technology, including social media. Evaluation of the impact of media developments on individuals, society and culture.

Test on the ways audiences interact and engage with the media as a result of the growth of digital technologies across media forms. 

Overall Final Assessment

End of Semester Examination – 1.5 hours.

Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: