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VCE Performing Arts

Music Unit 1 - Organisation of Music


  • A very good history of learning and performance in practical music (instrumental or voice) having achieved at around AMEB Grade 5 or equivalent standard.
  • Good aural skills and music theory skills at least at AMEB Grade 3 standard or equivalent. 

Course Description

Students actively engage in all aspects of music as listeners, performers, creators and music makers through:

  • Developing and refining musicianship skills and knowledge
  • Exploring and reflecting on and responding to the music they listen to, create and perform
  • Analysing and evaluating live and recorded performances
  • Incorporating, adapting and interpreting musical practices from diverse cultures, times and locations
  • Developing knowledge and skills to compose, arrange, interpret, reimagine, improvise, recreate and critique music in an informed manner.

Essential Questions

  • How do I improve my ability to play or sing — what options do I have and how much work is needed to achieve it?
  • When I perform in a group, what skills do I need to blend and balance with others?
  • How does a composer convey feelings in what is printed on the page?
  • What tools do I need to play my instrument and sing clearly and expressively?

UNIT 1 - Organisation of Music

Area of Study 1: Performing

Outcome 1: on completion of this unit the student should be able to rehearse and present planned performances using technical control, expression and stylistic understanding in at least two works (solo or ensemble).

Area of Study 2: Creating

Outcome 2: on completion of this unit the student should be able to create shor music works/responses that demonstrate their understanding of different approaches to musical organisation and reflect on the creative process.

Area of Study 3: Analysing and responding

Outcome 3: at the completion of this unit students should be able to describe how music is organised in at least two musical examples, responding to music characteristics in a range of music excerpts and identifying how music is organised, and identifying, recreating and documenting music language concepts presented in contest and isolation.


Assessment Tasks
(school-assessed coursework)

Solo recital of about 8-12 minutes duration.

Regular attendance at ensemble rehearsals and participation in at least one performance each semester.

Preparing for Performance Test on technical work, written document outlining intentions, and sight reading or improvisation test.
Music Language

Test including theory, aural and transcription questions as well as a musical perception (analysis) task.

A workbook of exercises including theory and aural tasks, worksheets and analysis tasks as set each semester.


Overall Final Assessment

End of Semester Examination – 1.5 hours.

Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: