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VCE Performing Arts

Music Unit 2 - Effect in Music


Satisfactory completion of Music Performance Unit 1 or demonstrated ability on an instrument or voice (minimum of Grade 6 AMEB or Trinity), as well as strong background in music theory.

Course Description

In this unit students build their performance and musicianship skills. They present formal and informal performances and participate in master classes. Students study the work of other performers through listening and analysis, and use specific strategies to optimise their own approach to performance. They study strategies for developing technical and expressive performance skills. They also devise an original composition or improvisation.

Essential Questions

  • How can I prepare for performing to optimise the final result and consistently perform well?
  • What technical work should I be doing now to give myself a better foundation for future work as a performer?
  • What are the different roles of a group member that ensure the creating, planning, rehearsing and performing is at the very best?
  • How can I, as a composer, establish a style?
  • What can I find out about works I am preparing to perform that will help me perform better?

Areas of Study

Area of Study 1: Performing – in this area of study, students prepare and perform solo and group works, one of which should demonstrate their understanding of effect in music.

Outcome 1: On completion of this unit the student should be able to rehearse and present planned performances using technical control, expression and stylistic understanding in at least two works (solo and/or group), describing how they intend to convey specific musical effects.

Area of Study 2: Creating.

Outcome 2: On completion of this unit students should be able to create short music works/responses that exhibit their understanding of different approaches to musical effects and reflect on the creative process.

Area of Study 3: Analysing and responding.

Outcome 3: On completion of this unit the students should be able to identify the way performers and creators convey effect in music, and they should be able to identify, recreate and document music language concepts in context and isolation.


Assessment Tasks
(school-assessed coursework)
Performance Solo recital (10-15 mins) and rehearsal and performance with a Carey ensemble or other approved ensemble.
Preparing for Performance  Technical test
A written, multimedia or oral discussion outlining the chosen technical work and links to the recital pieces.


Overall Final Assessment

End of Semester Examination – 1.5 hours.

Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: