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VCE Physical Education and Health

Physical Education Unit 2: Physical Activity, Sport and Society


There are no prerequisites for this unit.

Course Description

This unit develops the student’s understanding of physical activity, sport and society from a participatory perspective. Students are introduced to types of physical activity and the role participation in physical activity and sedentary behaviour plays in their own health and wellbeing as well as in other people’s lives in different population groups. 

Areas of Study

What are the Relationships Between Physical Activity, Sport, Health and Society?

  • The role of physical activity, sport and society in developing and promoting healthy lifestyles and participation in physical activity across the lifespan.
  • The social, cultural and historical influences on participation in various forms of physical activity, including sport.
  • At both the individual and population levels the physical, social, mental and emotional benefits of participation in regular physical activity and the potential negative physical, social, mental and emotional consequences of physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour, including hypokinetic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity.
  • The sociocultural factors that influence physical activity and consider opportunities and barriers to participation for various population groups and settings.
  • The use of subjective and objective methods for assessing physical activity and sedentary behaviour at the individual and population level and compare these to physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines.
  • The components of a social-ecological model and/or the youth physical activity promotion model to assist in the critique and creation of strategies aimed at increasing physical activity and/or reducing sedentary behaviour within a given population.
  • An individual activity plan that meets the physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines.

What are the Contemporary Issues Associated with Physical Activity and Sport?

Students focus on a range of contemporary issues associated with physical activity and/or sport at the local, national and global level.

Each student selects one issue relevant to physical activity and/or sport for detailed investigation. There are some examples of possible topics below.

  • Declining levels of physical activity across the life span.
  • Active transport.
  • Gender equity in physical activity and sport.
  • Cultural diversity and inclusion in physical activity.
  • Risk management and safety in physical activity and sport, children and competitive sport.
  • The community and recreation.
  • Access to physical activity for population groups such as children.
  • Rural and remote communities.
  • Cultural groups.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and people with disabilities.

Students explore their selected issue from a social-ecological perspective to evaluate the effect of individual, social, policy and physical environmental factors on participation in physical activity.

Students develop an understanding of the historical, and current perspectives of the issue and forecast future trends and they form conclusions in relation to the impact these factors have on physical activity and sport in society. 


Assessment Tasks
(school-assessed coursework)
Collect and analyse data to create, undertake and evaluate an activity plan that meets guidelines for an individual or a specific group.​

A written plan.

A reflective folio. 

Apply a social-ecological framework to research, analyse and evaluate a contemporary issue.

Select one of the following:

  • A visual presentation.
  • A multimedia presentation, including two or more data types and involving some form of interaction or simulation.
  • An oral presentation.
  • A written report.

Overall Final Assessment

End of Semester Examination – 2.0 hours.

Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: