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VCE Physical Education and Health

Physical Education Unit 4: Training to improve performance


Students must have completed Physical Education Unit 3.

Course Description

In this unit, students’ participation and involvement in physical activity will form the foundations of understanding how to improve performance from a physiological perspective. Students analyse movement skills and fitness requirements and apply relevant training principles and methods to improve performance at various levels (individual, club and elite).

Improvements in performance, in particular fitness, depend on the ability of the individual and/or coach to gain, apply and evaluate knowledge and understanding of training. Students assess fitness and use collected data to justify the selection of fitness tests based on the physiological requirements of an activity, including muscles used, energy systems and fitness components. Students then consider all physiological data, training principles and methods to design a training program. The effectiveness of programs is evaluated according to the needs of the individual and chronic adaptations to training.

Areas of Study

What are the foundations of an effective training program?

  • Students analyse the information required to form the foundation of an effective training program.
  • Through participation, they undertake and collect data from an activity analysis and justify the specific physiological requirements of an activity.
  • Students determine the relevant factors that affect each of the fitness components and conduct an assessment of fitness that demonstrates correct and appropriate implementation of testing protocols and procedures and informs the design of the training program.
  • On completion of this unit, the student should be able to undertake an activity analysis to justify the physiological requirements of an activity that informs an appropriate assessment of fitness.

How is Training Implemented Effectively to Improve Fitness?

  • Students focus on the implementation and evaluation of training principles and methods from a practical and theoretical perspective.
  • Students consider the manner in which fitness can be improved through the application of appropriate training principles and methods.
  • Students identify and consider components of an exercise training session, they monitor, record and adjust training.
  • Students explain the chronic adaptations to the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems that improve fitness and enhance performance.
  • On completion of this unit, the student should be able to participate in a variety of training methods; design and evaluate training programs; and explain performance improvements that occur due to chronic adaptations, depending on the type of training undertaken.

Integrated movement experiences

  • Students reflect on their participation in a practical activity and use primary data collected to demonstrate their integration of theory and practice across Units 3 and 4.
  • Students are required to analyse the interrelationships between skill acquisition, biomechanics, energy production and training, and the impacts these have on performance.
  • To achieve this, students reflect on their participation in a practical activity focussing on particular movement skills, the performance of which can be compared to another individual or themself.


Outcomes Assessment Tasks Marks Allocated
(school-assessed coursework)
Undertake an activity analysis to justify the physiological requirements of an activity that informs an appropriate assessment of fitness. A written report analysing data from an activity analysis to determine the relevant physiological requirements in a selected activity including justification of the selection of appropriate tests to assess fitness. 25

Participate in a variety of training methods; design and evaluate training programs; and explain performance improvements that occur due to chronic adaptations, depending on the type of training undertaken. 

A case study that draws on experiences from participation in at least 5 training sessions to design a personalised 6-week training program.

A response in one or more of the following formats, which links chronic adaptations of the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems to training methods and improved performance:

  • a case study analysis
  • a data analysis
  • structured questions










Integrate theory and practice that enables them to analyse the interrelationships between skill acquisition, biomechanics, energy production and training, and the impacts these have on performance.

An extended-response question drawing on personal experiences from a chosen practical activity recorded in the reflective folio, that analyses the interrelationships between skill acquisition, biomechanics, energy production and training program theoretical knowledge for their impacts on participation and/or performance. An emphasis should be placed on using a suitable tool, such as a concept or mind map, to plan a response. 

Total Marks 110

Overall Final Assessment

Graded Assessment Title Assessment Exam Duration Contribution to Study Score (%)
1 Unit 3 Coursework School-assessed - 22.5%
2 Unit 4 Coursework School-assessed - 27.5%
3 Written Examination November 2 hours 50


Reproduced by permission of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: