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Year 10 English

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Important Information

Students learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) and their parents should note the following information.

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority has collaborated with the Department of Education and Training to produce a set of documents in languages other than English, which provide information on preparing for the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE).

The documents are available in the following languages as well as English:

  • Amharic
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Croatian
  • Greek
  • Khmer
  • Macedonian
  • Persian
  • Russian
  • Serbian
  • Somali
  • Spanish
  • Turkish
  • Vietnamese

These documents can be accessed via the VCAA website by clicking on Parents & Community or Students and scrolling down to Preparing for the VCE – English as an Additional Language.


This course should only be undertaken by those students who meet the IBO requirements for Group 2 English B or the VCAA requirements for entry to VCE English as an Additional Language Unit 3 and 4.

A student is eligible for EAL if at the time of commencing Unit 3 and 4 study:

  • he/she has been a resident in Australia or New Zealand or other predominantly English-speaking country for no more than seven years. Note the period of seven years is calculated cumulatively over the student's whole life;


  • English has been the student's major language of instruction for a total period of not more than seven years over the period of his/her education.

Course Description

At Year 10, EAL students are asked to create, study and respond critically to spoken, written and visual texts created for a wide range of audiences and purposes. This unit incorporates elements both the Victorian Curriculum F-10 and of the Australian Curriculum and prepares students for a range of IB and VCE pathways beyond Year 10. The focus of this unit is the development and refinement of literacy skills in preparation for the IB Language B English program or for VCE Units 1 and 2 English as an Additional Language. This development occurs through the exploration of a variety of texts, oral responses in formal and informal settings, critical responses to literary and non-literary texts, and building competency in writing.

Essential Questions

  • How can we express ourselves clearly in spoken and written English?
  • How are texts constructed?
  • How can we use register to convey our message?

Areas of Study

Reading and Responding to Texts 

  • Reading of a range of texts to identify, extract and synthesise specific ideas and information.
  • Developing strategies for skimming, scanning and note-taking.
  • Understanding the purpose, structure and features of different texts.
  • Mastering techniques for critical evaluation of issues and arguments presented in texts.

Exploring Ideas and Issues through Writing 

  • Examining how purpose, audience and context influence the structure and language of text.
  • Using language conventions in paragraphing and text structure.
  • Developing the processes of planning, drafting, revising and editing written work.
  • Mastering the skills of writing for clarity, coherence and style.

Effective Oral Communication

  • Operating within the conventions of small group and whole class discussion.
  • Using the features of spoken texts to interest and engage an audience.
  • Learning how to listen and respond appropriately.
  • Participating in planning and preparing individual and group oral presentations.


Task Description
Responding to texts, including discussion on how meaning is constructed, in oral, multimodal and written forms.

Reading and annotation of set texts.
The completion of oral and written responses to texts, including group discussion, short answer questions, text response essays, personal response essays, persuasive and creative responses. 

Exploring complex ideas and issues through writing in a range of styles for different purposes and audiences. The completion of a writing folio.
Understanding of the spoken mode and development of effective speaking and listening strategies. A range of activities, including a persuasive speech, collaborative workshops with peers and listening activities.
Semester Exam Students undertake an examination at the conclusion of the course.


Note: In addition to graded tasks, English coursework must be completed to satisfactorily achieve the outcomes in each unit. This coursework includes reading and annotating set texts, writing reflections and completing practice writing tasks. ​