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Year 10 English


Semester Elective Unit


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Description

The English Literature course enables students to develop responses to a wide range of literature from the classics to contemporary texts. Students respond to texts in a range of styles and learn approaches to analytical writing, as well as having an opportunity to develop their own texts. The course is designed to prepare students for future literature courses. 

Essential Questions

  • How are the structures and features of texts used to construct meaning?
  • How are the structures and features of texts used to represent the views and values of the author and the context in which the text is produced?
  • What is the role of literature in recreating and exploring human experience?

Areas of Study

  • Students study short stories, and a graphic novel during the course.
  • Students learn how to write a literary commentary/close passage analysis.
  • Students have the opportunity to produce a creative piece in the style of an author to show their understanding of literary techniques.
  • Students are encouraged to read texts analytically, understanding and commenting on an author's use of language, structure and technique.


Task Description
Written Tasks Literary essay on ideas, themes and concepts; close passage analysis of a section of a text.
Semester Examination Short answer and extended responses based on the texts studied.