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Year 10 Humanities (Students must select at least one unit from Humanities)

International Studies

Semester Elective Unit


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Description

This course provides a general context for students to consider and reflect on the nature of contemporary international relations and the events that shaped them. Students develop an understanding of key terms and concepts and consider factors that influence international relationships. Students also study contemporary Australian foreign policy orientation and goals, and contemporary international conflicts/areas of instability and the role of the international community in these conflicts.

Essential Questions

  • What factors determine how individual countries relate to other countries?
  • What factors determine whether states are able to exert power in specific situations?
  • Why is it so hard to achieve internationalist ideals?
  • What has changed in international relations since the end of the Cold War?

Areas of Study

Looking Out: International Profile, Introduction to International Relations and Australian Foreign Policy Orientation and Goals

  • Key concepts in international relations and key events since 1989 that have shaped contemporary international events, relationships and exchanges.
  • Nature and source of power.
  • Australian national interests, policies and interaction with state and non-state global players​.

The International Community

  • Internationalism and the concept of an international community.

Post-Cold War Conflicts

  • Investigation of causes, nature and characteristics of key post Cold War conflicts.


Task Description

Mock Debate and Write-up: 
The Nature of Internationalism

Participate in a mock debate which might take place in the UN General Assembly, Security Council or other international body where states participate. Non-government organisations are able to participate in some of the mock debates. Write up the position taken by your state/organisation and your insights into the nature of internationalism.

Analytical Essay:
Causes and Nature of Contemporary Conflict

Essay comparing the causes and nature of two contemporary conflicts.

Test: Australian Foreign Policy

Short answer and extended response questions.
Semester Examination Students undertake an examination at the conclusion of the course.