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Year 10 Humanities (Students must select at least one unit from Humanities)

World History: Conflict, Protest and Change

Semester Elective Unit


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Description

This course stems from the Australian Curriculum and provides a study of the history of the modern world and Australia from 1914 to the late 1970s.  the present. The 20th century became a critical period in Australia and the world’s social, cultural, economic and political development. The transformation of the modern world during a time of political turmoil, global conflict and international co-operation provides a necessary context for understanding Australia's development, its place within the Asia-Pacific region, and its global standing. 

Essential Questions

  • How did the nature of political systems change during the Twentieth Century? 

  • What were the causes and consequences of World War II? How did these consequences shape Australia? 

  • How has Australia been impacted by its involvement in conflicts like the Vietnam War? 

  • How have the pursuit of rights and freedoms across the world impacted the same pursuit by Indigenous Australians?? 

Areas of Study

Unit 1: Conflict (1914-1945)

  • Students investigate wartime experiences through the changing European and Asian leaders/nations in the build-up to and course of World War II.
  • This includes a study of the causes, events, outcome and broader impact of WWII in Europe and the Pacific and its impact upon the Australian people.

Unit 2: Protest & Change (1945– Present)

  • Students investigate the struggle for human rights in depth, including how civil rights movements from around the world impacted upon indigenous protests in Australia. Students also investigate how Australia was transformed during the 1960s and 1970s with a focus upon the impact of the Vietnam War and changing attitudes towards migration.  


Task Description
Document Analysis and Short Answer Test A test of students’ knowledge of the rise of Fascism and Imperialism in the Move to Global War.
Essay Research task on the impact of World War on Australia and Australians. 
Analysis of Representations Students complete an analysis of significant representations from the post-WWII era of conflict, protest and change.
End of Semester Examination Students undertake an examination at the conclusion of the course. Examination includes document analysis, short answer responses and essay.