Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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Learning Areas > CARE

Leader of Learning - CARE: Mrs Julia Teo
P: +61 3 9816 6532 E:

Year 7 CARE Year 8 CARE

About the Learning Area

Community and Religious Education (CARE) forms a core part of the curriculum at Carey, as a school founded under the auspices of the Baptist Union of Victoria. The curriculum does not aim to instil a particular perspective in our students, but rather aims to provide them with an understanding of faith in our community and with concepts, language and skills to evaluate and discuss faith issues.

The CARE curriculum in the Middle School explores divergent beliefs about faith, religion and God held by members of our local and global community. We explore the key characteristics of world’s major religions. Christianity is studied in some detail; its origins, historical context, an overview of the biblical narrative, life and ministry of Jesus, and Christians in our modern world. We consider ‘What does it mean to lead a good life?’ from multiple faith, philosophical and psychological perspectives. The final key areas of our curriculum are formed from exploring the implications of the gospel for us all living in today’s world, as they learn about what it means to be a morally and ethically responsible member of society.

Community Service is an integral part of their participation in the CARE curriculum. This activity is linked to the concept that beliefs are expressed through actions. Ideally, service to others becomes part of each student's life while at Carey and beyond.

In addition to the more academic part of the curriculum, CARE also seeks to develop the student's social and emotional learning. Issues that are addressed are intertwined with the biblical curriculum.

Our CARE program runs in close association with the weekly year level Chapel services, which are a time of worship, reflection and sharing. In addition, we host a range of invited speakers.

Throughout the learning process, students are encouraged to explore and question as they develop a personal understanding of spirituality and their own spiritual journey.