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Year 9 Integrated and Immersive Learning

FYP: Find Your Passion

Elective Unit

Unit Description

FYP is designed to enable students to follow an interest and create a tailored learning experience. Working individually or in small groups, they have the opportunity to immerse themselves in something about which they feel passionate or in a new area about which they have little prior knowledge.

In conjunction with their teacher, students develop a broad research question. They then research this across a variety of disciplines and use a variety of ICT software to present their research. In doing this, they develop skills in interviewing, note-making, information location and critical reading. Students then develop a creative or practical element of their project and present this to a broader audience in an interesting and engaging manner at the end of the semester. 

Students will be able to get in the flow of learning, engage in deep thinking and enjoy significant collaboration time.

Students could choose to research almost any topic. Here are some examples of studies that have been chosen in the past. 

  • Global warming.
  • Writing poetry.
  • Quadratic equations.
  • French culture.
  • Two-stroke engines.
  • Motorbikes.
  • Horse first aid.
  • Disease transmission.
  • Sailing.
  • Outer space.
  • Scuba diving.
  • Performing arts.
  • Cooking.


  • Learning journal indicating the development of the Attributes.
  • Research activity.
  • Creative / practical project.
  • Demonstration/showcase.