Common Unit
Year 8 French or equivalent.
Unit Description
In Semester 1, students revise a variety of basic grammatical structures, including genders, regular, reflexive and irregular verbs in the present tense, the imperative, adjectives, negatives and question formation. This is elaborated on in Semester 2, and the past and immediate future tenses, adverbs and pronouns are learnt. These enable students to communicate in speaking, viewing, listening, reading and writing on topics such as describing housing and accommodation, talking about routines and chores, comparing lifestyles, describing past events, food shopping, narrating a series of events and referring to places around town.
Significant time is devoted to practising speaking skills through role plays, dialogues and use of the target Language in the classroom.
Cultural aspects of the French-speaking world are studied, which enables students to consolidate their understanding and appreciation of the similarities and differences between France and Australia.
- Formative vocabulary and grammar tasks.
- Aural and reading comprehension tasks.
- Oral tasks.
- Writing tasks.
- Cultural projects.
- End-of-year Examination.