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Year 9 Languages


Common Unit


Year 8 Indonesian or equivalent.

Unit Description

As students embark on their third year of study of Indonesian, they are encouraged to extend their written and spoken Language to prepare for the study of Indonesian in Senior School and for use of the Language in general. Active grammar learning becomes an integral part of the Language study.

In Semester 1, topics include clothing and description of clothing items, including the traditional Indonesian fabrics, exploring the city and village lifestyles, with a focus on Yogyakarta, and our environment. Students are expected to use more complex language in speaking and writing Indonesian. Grammar points covered include question words, comparatives lebih dari, ter- and imperatives jangan and dilarang.

In Semester 2, topics include ceremonies and celebrations, student exchange, further exploration of who am I and living in Indonesia. Related grammatical study covers an- nounsobject/subject focusthe imperative, conjunctions, active and passive voice and prepositions.


  • Formative vocabulary and grammar tasks.
  • Aural and reading comprehension tasks.
  • Oral tasks.
  • Writing tasks.
  • Cultural projects.
  • End-of-year Examination.