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Learning Areas > Science

Leader of Learning - Science: Ms Krista Bayliss
P: +61 3 9816 1351 E:


Year 10 Subjects IB Subjects VCE Subjects

About the Learning Area

Senior School Science at Carey aims to equip students with the scientific literacy they will need to become effective citizens in a world in which scientific debate on issues from climate change to reproductive technologies and artificial intelligence is currently reshaping their future. It is also committed to providing students with the best possible support to achieve their personal goals and aspirations in their choice of subjects across the VCE and International Baccalaureate programs. Our teaching programs emphasise contextualised learning, collaboration and inquiry through research and experimentation in specialist laboratories serviced by a strong team of highly qualified laboratory staff. All senior Science programs at Carey are also designed to provide students with exposure to a diverse range of learning technologies including computer-based data logging systems, online simulations, spreadsheets and interactive software.

With the completion of the new science wing in the Centre for Learning and Innovation, we now have access to a suite of 15 laboratories furnished with state-of-the-art facilities and designed specifically to service the needs of individual disciplines including Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Environmental Science.  There are also 4 specialist classrooms for Psychology. Laboratory and classroom spaces are complemented by open learning areas designed to enhance the learning experience of students by expanding their opportunities to engage in activities that promote collaboration, discussion, reflection and innovation.

Extension Programs

Science Week
Celebrations occur throughout the School with guest lecturers, activities and competitions.

Rio Tinto Big Science Competition and the ICAS Science Competition
These are both wonderful opportunities for students to gain great practice for examinations. Year 10 students are tested on their science inquiry skills, knowledge of science as a human endeavour and also science understanding.

Australian Brain Bee Challenge
Year 10 students compete in an online neuroscience challenge and if selected, spend a full day participating in laboratory tours, experiments, lectures and discussions with neuroscientists. Students then go on to compete in the International Finals.

Rio Tinto National Quantifying Examination in Biology, Chemistry and Physics
A prestigious and challenging competition tested at Year 12/university standard. Successful entrants from Year 11 attend a two-week workshop at the Australian National University in January and may also be invited to be a part of the four member national team.

National Youth Science Forum and Science Experience
All Year 10-12 students are encouraged to nominate themselves for these activities because they introduce students to the wonders of science and technology and associated careers.

Scientists in Schools Program and Australian Society for Medical Research Program
Year 10-12 students have the opportunity to work with and hear from scientists in their classroom environment at certain times throughout the year.

Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Chemical Analysis Competition – Titration Stakes
This is an opportunity for students to practise their analytical skills and compete in this Australia-wide competition.

Australian National Chemistry Quiz
Nominated Years 10, 11 and 12 students may compete in this challenging competition.

Mentoring in the Junior School
Mentoring programs bring Senior School students together with Junior School students.