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Learning Areas > English

Leader of Learning - English: Gillian Scott
P: +61 3 9816 1530 E:

pdf icon English Pathways.pdf


Year 10 Subjects IB Subjects VCE Subjects

About the Learning Area

English in the Senior School is underpinned by the study of language as it is used in a range of contexts for a variety of purposes and audiences.

In the International Baccalaureate Diploma, courses are offered in Language A: Language and Literature and Language B: English. In the Victorian Certificate of Education courses are offered in English, English as an Additional Language, English Language and Literature.

A variety of dynamic teaching and learning units have been developed by teaching staff to enable the study of language. Students examine how writers use particular techniques to construct meaning, how ideas and concerns are communicated through language, and the impact of social and cultural contexts on how a text is interpreted.

We have developed an extensive incursion series and students regularly attend theatre performances or workshops associated with the texts.

Please note: The texts studied in English vary from year to year and between subjects. IB and VCE texts are chosen from the prescribed lists associated with these courses. Text lists for the year ahead are finalised at the end of Term 3 each year.

IB English

Students for whom English is their first or main language complete IB Language A: Language and Literature.

Students for whom English is a second or additional language complete IB Language B: English.

VCE English

Carey offers a group of English studies.

  • English.
  • English as an Additional Language.
  • English Language.
  • Literature.

A student must complete one Unit 3-4 sequence from the English Studies group to complete their VCE. Students may complete as many as three Unit 3-4 sequences from the VCE English studies on offer.

Options to meet the English requirement are outlined in the table below.

Year 11 Year 12
English/EAL Units 1 and 2 English/EAL Units 3 and 4
English Units 1 and 2 Literature Units 3 and 4
English Units 1 and 2 English Language Units 3 and 4
English Language Units 1 and 2 English Language Units 3 and 4
English Language Units 1 and 2 English/EAL Units 3 and 4
English Language Units 1 and 2 Literature Units 3 and 4
Literature Units 1 and 2 English Language 3 and 4
Literature Units 1 and 2 Literature Units 3 and 4
Literature Units 1 and 2 English/EAL Units 3 and 4

Extension Programs

Students are invited to participate in a variety of language-related activities in the School and wider community.

  • VCAA Plain English Speaking Awards.
  • Michael Clyne Essay Prize for English Language.
  • Debaters' Association of Victoria Schools' Competition.
  • Carey Celebrates Literature Festival.
  • Mini United Nations Youth Conference.
  • Various external writing competitions.