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VCE Art and Design

Art Creative Practice - Unit 1: Interpreting artworks and exploring the creative practice


There are no prerequisites for this unit, however it is recommended that students have studied Year 10 Art.

Areas of Study

Artists, artworks and audiences – Outcome 1

In this area of study students are introduced to the Structural and the Personal Lenses by researching and analysing three artists, their practices and their artworks. They analyse one artwork by each artist and interpret meanings and messages using the Structural and Personal Lenses. Students also develop an understanding of how the interpretation of meanings and messages is influenced by the personal experiences of the viewer or audience and the context of the artwork.

Students explore the following areas:

  • the practices of artists from different periods of time and cultures
  • the use of the Structural Lens and the Personal Lens to analyse and interpret artworks
  • the use of personal opinions and points of view about artworks
  • the ways artists use visual language to communicate ideas and meaning in their artworks
  • terminology used in discussion of artists and their artwork.

The Creative Practice – Outcome 2

In this area of study students are introduced to the Creative Practice through Experiential learning activities.

Students explore at least three art forms using a variety of Art making techniques. They respond to a range of artworks, ideas and the practices of artists through experimentation and exploration. They build skills using materials, techniques and processes, and explore areas of personal interest to develop and make visual responses.

Students investigate the practices of selected artists as inspiration for their personal visual responses. From their personal investigation of artists and their practices, students develop a range of visual responses through a series of tasks in three different art forms. Students also develop their visual language by experimenting, exploring ideas, and using materials, techniques and processes relevant to their three selected art forms.

Students investigate the following:

  • experiment with and explore materials, techniques and processes using the Creative Practice
  • investigate the practices of artists to develop personal visual responses
  • use visual language to communicate ideas of personal interest
  • explore and experiment with materials, techniques and processes in a range of art forms to make personal visual responses
  • explore how the relationships between the artist, the artwork, and the viewer or audience communicate meaning in artworks
  • apply the Structural Lens and the Personal Lens to interpret meaning in visual responses


Documenting and reflecting on the Creative Practice – Outcome 3

Students develop their art practice by responding to the ways artists conceptualise, develop and make their artworks. Students reflect on their research and exploration undertaken in Outcome 2, and understand that evaluation and documentation are integral components of the Creative Practice. They document the visual responses to the ideas they have explored, their creative and critical thinking, and their trials and experimentation with materials and techniques within the Visual art diary.

Students evaluate the following:

  • methods used to document and evaluate the use of the Creative Practice
  • approaches to making and presenting visual responses that communicate ideas of personal interest
  • the use of critical and reflective thinking throughout the Creative Practice
  • methods used to reflect on and evaluate visual language
  • methods used to evaluate the use of materials, techniques and processes in personal visual responses
  • the use of the Structural Lens and the Personal Lens in annotations to analyse and reflect upon visual responses



Assessment Tasks

( school assessments )

  1. On completion of this unit students will be able to discuss the practices of three artists, and apply the Structural Lens and the Personal Lens to analyse and interpret one artwork by each artist.

Written short reports and presentations.

  1. On completion of this unit students should be able to use the Creative Practice to develop and make visual responses informed by their exploration of personal interests and ideas through the making of artworks.

Folio of artworks and trials/experiments.

  1. On completion of this unit the student should be able to document and evaluate the components of the Creative Practice used to make personal visual responses using the Visual art diary.


Visual art diary annotations and evaluations of the Creative practice process.

Overall Assessment

Unit 1 End of Semester Examination – 1.5 hours.

Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: