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VCE Art and Design

Art Creative Practice - Unit 2: Interpreting artworks and developing the creative practice


It is recommended but not essential to study Unit 1 Art Creative Practice prior to undertaking Unit 2 Art Creative Practice.

Course Description

In Year 11 students will study Unit 1 Art Creative Practice and Unit 2 Art Creative Practice as preparation for the study of Units 3 and 4 Art Creative Practice in Year 12. Units 1 and 2 form the foundation of the key knowledge and key skills for Units 3 and 4. Students must undertake Unit 3 and Unit 4 as a sequence.

In this unit students use Inquiry learning to investigate the artistic and collaborative practices of artists. They use the Cultural Lens, and the other Interpretive Lenses as appropriate, to examine artworks from different periods of time and cultures, and to explore the different ways that artists interpret and communicate social and personal ideas in artworks

Students explore the collaborative practices of artists and use the Creative Practice to make and present artworks. They develop visual responses based on their investigations, exploring the way historical and contemporary cultural contexts, ideas and approaches have influenced the artworks and the practices of the artists they investigate, as well as their own art practice.

Note : Collaborative practice refers to students working within Carey’s Artist in Residence program both within the school context and externally outside the classroom.

Areas of Study

The artist, society and culture – Outcome 1

In this area of study students focus on the ways in which art reflects and communicates the values, beliefs and traditions of the societies in which it was created. They will apply the Cultural Lens to study the practices of at least three artists from different cultures and times. Students may focus their research on one or more selected themes to compare artists, their practices and their artworks.

Students must apply the Cultural Lens, and the other Interpretive Lenses as appropriate, in their analysis and interpretation of one artwork by each of the artists.

The three artists selected for study must include:

  • an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person
  • an artist who collaborates with other artists, technicians or with the viewer or audience as part of their practice
  • an artist from a historical period of time that has used at least one traditional art form and traditional materials and techniques
  • a contemporary artist whose practice is influenced by contemporary ideas, materials, techniques, processes or approaches.


The collaborative Creative Practice – Outcome 2

In this area of study students continue to develop their art practice as they explore collaborative practices to make and present artworks. Collaborative practice can include working with other students to create a collective artwork, working with practicing artists within the Carey Artist in Residence program and outside specialists, or creating artworks that involve or collaborate with the audience through interaction and participation. A completed series or collaborative artwork is completed in this outcome.

• the use of the Creative Practice to explore social and cultural ideas or issues

• the use of the Creative Practice to make and present at least one finished artwork

• collaborative approaches in art practices from different periods of time and cultures

• the use of traditional and contemporary materials, techniques and processes in art forms to communicate ideas and meaning through the finished artwork.

Documentation of collaboration using the Creative Practice – Outcome 3

In this area of study students build on their knowledge and skills, and continue to document their art practice. They develop and evaluate their use of visual language. Students explore and reflect upon the relationship between the artist, artwork and viewer or audience by researching the practices of artists and the context and presentation of artworks. Before finishing their artwork, students present a critique of their use of the Creative Practice. They respond to the feedback they receive from the critique to resolve their artwork. The critique can be presented by an individual student or a group of students who have collaborated to make the artwork as part of the Artist in Residence program.

Explored through the Visual art diary :

  • critically reflect on the use of the Creative Practice to develop and make visual responses that communicate personal ideas related to social and cultural contexts
  • identify, document and reflect on collaboration using the Creative Practice
  • apply the Cultural Lens, and the other Interpretive Lenses as appropriate, to support reflective annotations
  • evaluate the use of the Creative Practice using visual and written documentation
  • explore ideas related to social and cultural contexts through the use of the Creative Practice
  • document and evaluate the use of the Creative Practice to develop and make visual responses
  • document and evaluate how visual responses effectively communicate social and cultural meaning
  • present a critique of the use of the Creative Practice



Assessment Tasks


  1. On completion of this unit the student should be able to use the Cultural Lens, and the other Interpretive Lenses as appropriate, to analyse and compare the practices of artists and artworks from different cultures and times.


Essay outcome and short response using the Personal, Structural and Cultural lenses.

  1. On completion of this unit the student should be able to use the Creative Practice to explore social and cultural ideas or issues to make and present at least one finished artwork using collaborative approaches.

Collaborative artwork as part of the Carey Artist in Residence program & individual art works.

  1. On completion of this unit the student should be able to critically reflect on, evaluate and document their use of the Creative Practice to develop and make collaborative visual responses using the Visual art diary.

Completed annotations and evaluations within the Visual art diary process.

Overall Final Assessment

Unit 2 - End of Semester Examination – 1.5 hours.

Reproduced by permission of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: