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VCE Art and Design

Art Creative Practice Unit 4: Interpreting, resolving, and presenting artworks and Creative Practice


Art Creative Practice Unit 3.



Areas of Study

In this area of study students continue to use the Creative Practice to develop, refine and resolve the ideas they developed in Unit 3. After beginning Unit 4 students present a critique to evaluate and reflect upon their use of the Creative Practice. Students continue to document the refinement of their visual language through investigation of and experimentation with materials, techniques and processes in at least one art form of their choice. They document the development and refinement of the application of selected materials, techniques and processes in at least one selected art form as they progressively refine and resolve their Body of Work in response to the feedback they received from their critique.

This area of study includes:

  • methods used to evaluate and document the refinement and resolution of personal visual responses throughout the Creative Practice
  • methods used to evaluate and document the refinement of materials, techniques and processes in selected art forms throughout the Creative Practice
  • methods used to evaluate and document the refinement and resolution of visual language in personal responses
  • the selection of the appropriate Interpretive Lenses throughout the Creative Practice
  • methods used to present and critique the use of the Creative Practice
  • feedback and reflection used to refine and resolve a Body of Work

Resolution and presentation of a Body of Work – Outcome 2

In this area of study students continue to use Inquiry and Project-based learning as the basis for their use of the Creative Practice. They further develop and refine the Body of Work commenced in Unit 3, and continue their ongoing exploration and experimentation of personal responses. Using the feedback received from their critique, students progressively refine and resolve their ideas and visual language in their artworks. Students also consider the presentation and context of their Body of Work/finished artwork, and how ideas and meaning are communicated to a viewer or audience

This area of study includes:

  • the use of materials, techniques and processes in selected artforms throughout the Creative Practice
  • the use of the Creative Practice to resolve ideas in a Body of Work & present at least one finished artwork
  • the refinement of skill using materials and techniques in selected art forms to resolve ideas in a Body of Work
  • methods to refine and resolve visual language to communicate personal ideas in a Body of Work

Comparison of artists, their practice and their artworks – Outcome 3

In this area of study students undertake research of artists, their practices and their artworks. They critically analyse and interpret the meanings and messages of artworks and use evidence and the appropriate Interpretive Lenses to support their interpretation and point of view. Using appropriate terminology, they compare the meanings and messages of historical and contemporary artworks.

This area of study includes :

  • research at least one historical artist, their practice and their artworks, and at least one contemporary artist, their practice and their artworks
  • compare the practices of the selected artists
  • apply all three Interpretive Lenses to analyse and interpret the meanings and messages of at least two artworks by each artist
  • source evidence to support their interpretation and point of view.



Assessment Tasks

Marks Allocated

(school-assessed coursework)

  1. Document the use of the Creative Practice and present a critique to inform the refinement and resolution of a Body of Work using a Visual art diary format.

A documented Body of Work that presents ongoing explorations and development of personal concepts within selected art forms, using the Creative Practice and including reflective annotations using the Visual art diary.


  1. Use the Creative Practice to resolve and present a Body of Work. Finished art works.


 A Body of Work that resolves personal concepts, ideas and explorations using the Creative Practice, including the presentation of one or more finished artworks that resolve the student’s intentions.


NB: Subject to external review by VCAA.

  1. Compare the practices of historical and contemporary artists, and use the Interpretive Lenses to analyse and interpret the meanings and messages of selected artworks.



A persuasive essay presenting and substantiating personal points of view about the meanings and messages in selected art works and substantiating the Art Issue.


Overall Final Assessment

Graded Assessment



Exam Duration

Contribution to Study Score (%)

Outcome 1

Unit 3 & 4 School-assessed Task




Outcome 2

Unit 3 & 4 School-assessed Task




Outcome 3

Unit 4 Coursework





Written Examination


1.5 hours



Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: