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VCE Art and Design

Art Creative Practice - Unit 3: Investigation, ideas, artworks and the Creative Practice


Students are advised to complete Art Units 1 and 2.

Course Description

This unit focusses on the use Inquiry and Project-based learning as starting points to develop a Body of Work. Students explore ideas and experiment with materials, techniques and processes using the Creative Practice. The research of historical and contemporary artists is integral to students’ use of the Creative Practice and informs the basis of their investigation. Students also investigate the issues that may arise from the artworks they view and discuss, or those evolving from the practice of the artist. Unit 3 commences with students researching the practice of a selected artist as the starting point to develop a finished artwork. The finished artworks will contribute to the Body of Work developed over Units 3 and 4.

Areas of Study

Investigation and presentation – Outcome 1

Research and exploration

In this area of study students use Project-based learning as they begin to develop a Body of Work. Students research one artwork by a selected contemporary or historical artist as inspiration for their own art practice. The student will identify the ideas explored by the artist, and any issues that arise from the artwork or the practice of the artist. The student’s Body of Work begins with a personal response, presented in a finished artwork, and the research and documentation of their art practice.

Resolution, presentation and critique

Students refine their skills and visual language in the resolution and presentation of at least one finished artwork. They will demonstrate how the idea they have chosen to explore relates and responds to their research. Students evaluate, reflect and talk about their use of the Creative Practice in a critique, which includes the presentation of at least one finished artwork. Using the appropriate Interpretive Lenses, students discuss how they have responded to their research, the ideas they have focused on and how they have explored and experimented with materials, techniques, processes and art forms to establish their visual language.


  • research and analyse the ideas explored by artists in their artworks
  • research and analyse issues related to the artwork or practice of the artist
  • use selected materials, techniques, processes and art forms throughout the Creative Practice
  • develop and critically evaluate visual language to communicate ideas or issues
  • explore and document the use of materials, techniques and processes to develop effective visual language
  • select and apply the appropriate Interpretive Lenses throughout the Creative Practice
  • explore, document, reflect on and evaluate the use of the Creative Practice to develop and refine an artwork, using appropriate written and visual material


Personal investigation using the Creative Practice – Outcome 2

In this area of study students continue to develop a Body of Work through Inquiry learning. They use the Creative Practice to develop their own visual responses inspired by ideas and experiences. The starting points for the Body of Work in Area of Study 2 may vary as students can continue to explore the ideas and issues from Area of Study 1, be influenced by the practices of other artists, or explore other ideas of personal interest. Students continue to use the Creative Practice as they progressively explore and develop their ideas, and investigate and experiment with materials, techniques and processes using art forms of their choice.

  • the use of selected materials, techniques, processes and art forms throughout the Creative Practice
  • the use of the Creative Practice to explore and experiment with ideas, materials, techniques and processes
  • characteristics of visual language that communicates personal ideas
  • the use of the Creative Practice to develop ideas, materials, techniques and processes
  • the selection of the appropriate Interpretive Lenses throughout the Creative Practice
  • methods used to document the use of the Creative Practice



Assessment Tasks

Marks Allocated

(school-assessed coursework)

  1. Develop personal ideas using research and critique that examines one artwork and the practice of an artist, and discussion of the of the finished artwork using the Creative Practice.
  • A presentation of the research supported by the written report with documented visual evidence directly responding to the production of the finished artwork that responds to the ideas explored using the Creative Practice.


  1. Apply and explore ideas and an area of personal interest using the Creative Practice and the finished artwork.

A documented Body of Work that presents explorations and the development of personal ideas within selected art forms, using the Creative Practice and including reflective annotations within the Visual art diary and the finished artwork.


NB: Subject to external review by VCAA.



Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: