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Year 10 Art and Design


Semester Elective Unit


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Description

This unit focusses on the realisation of creative ideas through the exploration of a broad range of processes and both two- and three-dimensional art forms. Students are introduced to a range of materials and techniques and concepts through critical and practical investigation. Students investigate historical and contemporary artists from a range of cultural contexts, and further develop their skills in interpreting and analysing artworks.

Essential Questions

  • How do artists organise art elements and principles to achieve certain effects in their work?
  • How can formal qualities communicate meaning and messages in artworks?
  • What role does art play in different cultures and societies?

Areas of study

Art Production

  • Development of specialised skills, processes and techniques associated with selected two- and three-dimensional art forms including; drawing, painting, mixed media, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics  and digital photography.

Art Theory

  • Art Theory involves critical investigation into historical and contemporary artists from a range of cultural contexts as students consider artworks that connect to their own art practice.
  • Students further develop their skills in interpreting and analysing artworks in short and extended written responses.

Visual Diary

  • Concepts and trialling of materials and techniques for each artwork are recorded in the Visual Diary. Students are encouraged to fully explore the possibilities for each work, recording all of their ideas and reflecting throughout the developmental process. Students continue to build on their use of art language and terminology as they annotate each developmental stage.




Art Production and Visual Diary

A series of resolved artworks exploring two-dimensional and three-dimensional art forms. Record of the development and trialling of materials and techniques associated with the art production and the exploration of elements and principles of art. Investigation into artists and written reflections.

Art Theory

A series of short and extended written responses analysing, interpreting and comparing a range of artworks from various historical and cultural contexts which connect to the Art Production content.

Semester Examination

Students undertake a written examination at the conclusion of the course.