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Year 10 Art and Design

Product Design and Technology: Metal/Wood

Elective Unit


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Description

Product Design involves creative and critical thinking. Students undertake research and development (R&D), design, project management and building activities to solve contemporary one off, local community, organisation or global needs.

The materials of Metal and Wood are offered, however other materials may be included to realise particular inventions and prototypes. The additional media on offer are determined, in part, by the interests of the students. Other materials may include, textiles, leather, ceramics, glass, plastics and the use of new technologies.

Students are required to produce a design portfolio which includes a number of project management components, the product made is designed by the students in line with an end-user(s) need(s).

The study of Product Design and Technology metal/wood may provide a pathway to a range of related fields including industrial and product design, engineering, furniture, jewellery, architecture and building construction (Management).

  • Understanding the design process and specific terminology (design factors).
  • The examination of a design brief using evaluation criteria.
  • A plan of the product, including pictorial and working/technical drawings.
  • A sequence of operations and estimated schedule for the production.
  • Estimating the required quantity and cost of building a project.
  • A review and analysis of the sustainability of materials and processes.
  • Evaluation of the work completed.

Essential Questions

  • How do I develop creative and critical thinking routines?
  • How do I make a prototype using certain materials?
  • Why do I need to consider the social and environmental consequences in design and production?

Areas of Study

Materials and Processes

  • The development of skills and dexterity in using appropriate hand, power tools and new technologies of varying complexity.

Materials, Health and Safety

  • The safe use of hand, power tools and new technologies; the safe handling, working and storage of particular materials.

Design Consideration and Constraints

  • Design briefs: specifiy the problem.
  • Design considerations: examine the human product interface.
  • Constraints: cost, time available, materials available, facilities, knowledge.

Means of Communicating Ideas

  • Pictorial and working drawings; photographic and physical examples; written and oral explanations; models, prototypes and mock-ups.

Product Evaluation

  • Examining the effectiveness and efficiencies of certain design and production routines.
  • Presentation and explanation of product attributes.


Task Description
Investigation Folio: End User – Survey, Research and Development (R&D)
Design Folio: Concept development
Production Product: prototypes made of Metal and Wood
Semester Examination Students undertake an examination at the conclusion of the course.