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Year 10 Art and Design


Semester Elective Unit


There are no prerequisites for this course.​ 

Students may borrow School digital SLR cameras, video cameras, microphones and tripods however it is helpful if they have their own.

Course Description

This unit provides students with a foundation for VCE Media Units 1-4 and introduces the exciting world of media production, including digital photography and film making.

Students examine how and why the media constructs and reflects reality and how audiences engage with, consume, read, create and produce media products.

With a focus on planning narratives and developing technical skills using a digital SLR camera and associated image and sound editing software, students produce high quality media products for specific audiences. These include podcasts, image sequences and video sequences.

Students gain an understanding of issues in relation to the production, distribution and consumption of media products.

Essential Questions

  • What are media codes and conventions?
  • How are media products designed, produced, consumed and analysed?

Areas of study

Image Folio

  • Students acquire technical skills using a digital SLR camera for the purpose of producing their own image sequences. Image composition, enhancement and manipulation is explored.
  • Analytical skills in de-coding media images are developed.

Video Folio 

  • Students co-produce their own video working through the stages of pre-production, production and postproduction.
  • Students gain skills in critical analysis of the production elements as they contribute to the narrative structure in media stories.


Task Description
Image Folio.

Planning and Production of a photographic image sequence. 

Analysis of professional media images.

Video Folio.

Media stories are planned and produced in audio visual formats.

Code and conventions employed within audio visual formats are analysed.
Semester Examination​ Students undertake an examination at the conclusion of the course.