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Year 10 Art and Design

Product Design and Technology: Design Engineering

Elective Unit


There are no prerequisites for this course. 

Course Description

This subject focusses on developing an understanding of social, economic and environmental consequences of design choices and decision making. 

Design Engineering involves students understanding the operation of new technologies and apparatus to improve the lives of others in product development. Systems used include computer aided drawing (CAD), computer aided manufacture (CAM), Rapid 3D prototyping and Laser Technology.

Students pursue research to understand how they may solve a design dilemma. Students use CAD to plan and communicate their solutions and learn how to manage the production process through strategic planning including the estimation of material quantities and project management systems. Students build prototypes and reflect on the entire project, considering their and the end users perspective to evaluate the journey.

Students examine a range of design factors that influence the development and manufacture of products including: 

  • Human needs
  • Product purpose and function
  • Visual and aesthetic factors
  • Materials and their structures
  • Production processes and new technologies
  • Economics related to design and technology
  • Environmental and ecological impacts
  • Innovation through product design and technology

The study of Design Engineering - Product Design and Technology may provide a pathway to a range of related fields including industrial and product design, engineering, furniture, jewellery, architecture and building construction (Management).

Essential Questions

  • How do I operate new technologies to improve the life of others?
  • What current systems can be developed and improved using new and emerging technologies?

Areas of Study

Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) - Communicating and Manufacturing Ideas

  • Design brief development, research, visualisations, model making, production planning, working drawings in CAD, 2D and 3D prototypes.
  • Using 2D modelling software- Adobe Illustrator and 3D modelling software- Fusion 360, to design products to be constructed using laser technology, Rapid 3D prototyping (3D printing) and CNC machinery.

Product Evaluation

  • Examining the effectiveness and efficiencies of certain design and production routines.
  • Presentation and explanation of product attributes.


  • Understanding how sustainability models are used in product design and engineering- LCA, C2C, DfD, EPR.

New and Emerging Technologies

  • CAD, CAM, Laser Technologies, robotics- how they are used in Product Design and Engineering to improve production of products.


Task Description

Design Folio

Folio: design brief, evaluation matrix, research, visualisations and material testing

(CAD) Computer Aided Design - Production

CAD models and prototypes


Class presentation of achievements and improvements

Semester Examination

Students undertake an examination at the conclusion of the course