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Learning Areas > Art

Prep Art
Year 1 Art
Year 2 Art
Year 3 Art
Year 4 Art
Year 5 Art
Year 6 Art

About the Learning Area

Making Connections for Broader Learning

The Art program at Carey Donvale provides students with a backdrop of practical art content in all disciplines and mediums. Our approach is to immerse students across each year level, in each medium explored, exposing students to the innate possibilities of that medium. Students develop an understanding of the many varied projects and techniques that can be applied across a broad range of examples.

Our art journey supports and complements the broader curriculum across many other areas, including Literacy, Numeracy, Information Technology, History, Music, research and personal wellbeing.

In addition, we seek every opportunity to take our art-learning outside the bounds of the art room. In doing so we recognise the important contribution our students’ artistic endeavours make to their local community. The practice of making outside connections is ongoing and has seen our students change the landscape of their city and enrich the lives of those around them.

Every individual’s creativity is respected, valued and supported, in an art space where they are encouraged to develop their own ideas and perspective on a set theme or medium. Students are extended in their thinking skills and provided with opportunities that build resilience, risk taking and overall confidence. The outcome of this program is that students not only become creative individuals, but are able to transfer this creativity into the professions they pursue in the future.