Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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Learning Areas > Mathematics

pdf icon Australian National Curriculum Scope and Sequence - Mathematics

Prep Mathematics
Year 1 Mathematics
Year 2 Mathematics
Year 3 Mathematics
Year 4 Mathematics
Year 5 Mathematics
Year 6 Mathematics

About the Learning Area

At Carey Donvale, we follow the Victorian Curriculum; an amalgamation of the Australian Curriculum and the Victorian priorities and standards. The information within this Learning Area details the prescribed content and achievement standards that form the foundation of teaching and learning in Mathematics, and is taken directly from the Victorian Curriculum website.

The proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem-Solving and Reasoning, are a set of integral attributes that support and underpin the prescribed content of the mathematics curriculum. Students are encouraged to work mathematically and describe how the content of the curriculum should be explored and applied. The content strands through which we develop these key proficiencies are: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.

Students work at varying levels of achievement across the curriculum therefore classroom teachers differentiate lessons accordingly. This ensures that the learning needs of all students are met.