Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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Integrated Studies
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Learning Areas > Integrated Studies

Prep Integrated Studies
Year 1 Integrated Studies
Year 2 Integrated Studies
Year 3 Integrated Studies
Year 4 Integrated Studies
Year 5 Integrated Studies
Year 6 Integrated Studies

About the Learning Area

Integrated Studies addresses skills, concepts and understandings from the learning areas Humanities (Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography, History), Science, and Technologies (Design and Technologies, Digital Technologies).

The purpose of each unit is to develop the student’s understanding of their world; developing creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and probelm solving in a real life context. 

Integrated curriculum is delivered through an inquiry-based approach. Students are taught skills to help them to identify their information needs, pose their own questions, select appropriate resources, locate, organise and present relevant information, and assess the effectiveness of their research.