Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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Learning Areas > LOTE

Year 1 LOTE
Year 2 LOTE
Year 3 LOTE
Year 4 LOTE
Year 5 LOTE
Year 6 LOTE

About the Learning Area

The arts and literacy-focussed Mandarin Chinese program is based on the Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM) — a fully integrated, whole-brain, first language acquisition model in which students rapidly acquire functional aural and oral literacy. Students experience and acquire the language through gesture, pared down language, classroom routines, story telling, drama performance and music, using only the target language. Some intercultural knowledge is also taught at each level.


At Carey Donvale, we follow the Victorian Curriculum; an amalgamation of the Australian Curriculum and the Victorian priorities and standards. This curriculum document carries the prescribed content and achievement standards that form the foundation of teaching and learning Chinese. It presents the curriculum as a continuum of learning. Students work at varying levels of achievement across the curriculum, therefore, LOTE teachers differentiate lessons accordingly. The ensures that the learning needs of all students are met.